Sandy Asch

Bio & Point of View

A TEDx Speaker, best-selling author, resilience thought leader and woman of influence award winner, my best-selling book, ROAR, was named by Inc. magazine as one of the best business books written by a woman.

Over the past 30 years, through keynote presentations and workshops, 55,000+ leaders in 50 countries and 6 languages have implemented my ideas to navigate change, manage work-life balance and be more resilient.

In my keynotes I weave through lessons from the animal kingdom growing up in South Africa and real stories from the world famous San Diego Zoo and other organizations that unleashed their ROAR - going from “another tiring day at work” to leading with purpose and passion.

Now, I call the magical city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, home where I am embracing the idea of FLOW GLOW & GROW.

It will be my privilege to joyfully inspire your women leaders to fulfill on their potential and stay WHOLE!

What clients are saying

“Clear, simple message packed with value. Extremely well delivered.”

“Sandy is a powerful and dynamic speaker. Her talk on resilience is extremely relevant and well based in real life stories and examples. Excellent session!”

“You were inspiring with your authenticity and insights. SWomeN are still talking about this today!”

“Amazing workshop and speaker! Sandy’s presentations are engaging, impactful, and FUN! Participants leave feeling empowered and reenergized!”

“We LOVE you! Thank you so much for making our conference end on a ROAR.”

“Thank again for joining us at Women’s Foodservice Forum Annual Leadership Conference. You were a huge hit.”

The Whole Woman's Way

Staying balanced, healthy & fulfilled in a demanding world

Women leaders are carrying a HUGE load. They’re expected to meet business goals, advance in their career, be caring and compassionate, influence change, and, oh by the way, take care of themselves and their families too! No wonder so many are depleted or on the brink of burnout.

In this session, I offer women mind-shifting ideas and practical tools to stay grounded and trust their inner wisdom as they navigate the demands of a complex workplace (and world). Develop more courage, confidence and clarity so they can stay WHOLE.

The Power of Soft Strength

How women influence change

Changing the world doesn't require that women become more like men. Rather, it demands that women own and exercise their natural power and unique leadership abilities to influence change through soft strength. In this inspiring keynote delivered at TEDx women, Sandy empowers and emboldens women to take a cue from the lioness, to embrace their strengths and rise up in leadership - to let their ROAR be heard.

• Harness your natural feminine attributes to influence change
• Stay calm under pressure and face demands with grace
• Use failure to fuel your energy and desire to make a difference
• Velcro to other women to get the support and encouragement you need

Unleash your ROARRRR

The 5 secrets to be resilient in an uncertain world

Spark your team's energy and positivity. In this inspiring keynote Sandy uses lessons from the animal kingdom and real stories from the world famous San Diego Zoo and other organizations that unleashed their employees’ ROAR – going from a deflated work environment to roaring with passion again. Sandy will show you how to bring contagious joy and energy to your work, unleash your powerful purpose, and create a future of joy through RESILIENCE.

• Develop a proactive mindset to thrive in challenging times.
• Re-engage and refocus on your transformative purpose.
• Learn how to stay calm and positive through uncertainty.
• Create healthy balance and avoid burnout.


Creating a SpeakUP culture

Imagine a workplace where every employee brings their whole self to work everyday, and every voice is heard fully and freely. When you create a FearLESS workplace, your team feels safe to speak up, share wild ideas, admit mistakes and use failure as a force for good. This is how you spark innovation, boost team performance and improve business outcomes. Learn how to establish a SpeakUP culture where trust and belonging flourish, inclusion and diversity thrive and employee performance soars.

• Create a culture of truth telling, trust and transparency where every voice is heard
• Explore how to use failure as a force for good and accelerate business growth
• Influence every team member to bring their whole self to work so they add maximum value and have a deep sense of belonging


Customizable keynotes that address the challenges of an uncertain and complex world